Friday, November 7, 2008

My chickens

Last may we order 27 chicks. We got 13 of them and our friends got the rest. Since then I've become close to them and love them like any other pet. Even though i love them some run away from me :P. We have 10 girls and 3 boys. My favorite boy is FES the Polish chicken(though the rest are light Brahmas). FES is a loner who is always on guard and when i go out to see them i always run across FES first. My favorite girl is Emily (girl in top left box). The reason why i like her is because she does not mind humans and loves getting petted! Emily will allow you to get close to her but DON'T RUN! If you do she will run away from you. She does not mind getting picked up either. Each month we have a competition called the speedy five where i grab the chickens and close the chicken coop door and put them inside and it normally happens around darkness (5:00). So the last chicken that I can catch wins (is the fastest)! Here are the speedy five from October...

1.beautiful (girl)

3.Bria (Queen)(girl)
4.Feety (girl)
5.Luna bird (girl)

1 comment:

stace41971 said...

I love your chickens too..when they lay eggs...or when they're fried up in a skillet! :-P hehehehehehe